GBCNYC Ministry Internship

An internship at Grace Bible Church NYC is an opportunity for focused study, consistent ministry, and regular reflection on various aspects of doctrine and philosophy of ministry. Although the expectations are high, we believe the internship is equally rewarding.

This is an unpaid internship, however, as noted below, there are potential opportunities for part-time employment and housing.

Emphasis Overview:

  • Philosophy of Ministry

  • Counseling

  • Preaching/Teaching


  • Reading

  • Reflection Papers - Approximately one page each day

  • Complete GBCNYC membership class**

  • Meetings (Service Review & Planning Meeting, Public Services, Members Meetings, Preaching Track/Labs, etc.)

  • Available to serve in various ways

Reading List:

  • Character

    • When People are Big and God is Small - Ed Welch

  • Philosophy of ministry

    • Doing God’s Business God’s Way - George Zemek

    • 9 Marks of a Healthy Church - Mark Dever

    • The Compelling Community - Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop

  • Counseling

    • Speaking Truth in Love - David Powlison

    • Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically - John MacArthur

  • Preaching

    • Toward An Exegetical Theology - Walter Kaiser

    • New Testament Exegesis - Gordon Fee

    • My Heart for Thy Cause - Brian Borgman

  • Theology

    • Calvinism: A Very Short Introduction - Jon Balserak

  • Outreach/Missions

    • What is the Mission of the Church - Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert

    • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - J. I. Packer

    • To the Golden Shore - Anderson

‘24-‘25 Schedule:

  • Monday-Thursday (1p-4p)

    • 8:30-12p - Ministry Meetings/General Ministry (Tuesday-Thursday)

    • 1-3p - Reading/Teacher assistant

    • 3-4p - Writing/Discussion

    Friday (9-4p)

    • General Ministry

Duration Options (all flexible):

  • Fall: August-November (4 month)

  • Spring: February-May (4 month)

  • Full Year: September-June (10 month)

    • A full year internship may include a paid part-time teaching position at a local Christian school

Applicant Qualifications:

Internship applicants must…

  • be a member in good standing of a like-minded, gospel preaching church.

  • be able to cover their personal financial obligations for the duration of the internship.

  • have a high reading aptitude.

  • be driven, yet flexible.

  • have a heart to selflessly serve the Lord and His people.

Application Requirements:

  • Completed Internship Application

  • Elder Reference and Recommendation